League of Legends: Complete Galio Champion History & Evolution
Legacy Champion Information: Galio
Galio's original kit focused on defensive magic capabilities and crowd control. Here's a comprehensive breakdown of his previous abilities:
Passive - Runic Skin
- Converts 50% of magic resistance into ability power
- Scales with base magic resistance (32.1 − 53.35 based on level)
- Interacts with items like Wit's End and Rabadon's Deathcap
Basic Abilities:
Resolute Smite (Q)
- Fires concussive blast dealing magic damage
- Slows enemies for 2.5 seconds
- Area of effect ability
Bulwark (W)
- Grants bonus armor and magic resistance
- Heals Galio when target takes damage
- Healing reduces by 20% with each tick
- 4 second duration
Righteous Gust (E)
- Directional wind blast dealing magic damage
- Creates speed-boosting path for 5 seconds
- Multiplicative movement speed buff for allies
Ultimate - Idol of Durand (R)
- 2 second channeled taunt
- 50% damage reduction while channeling
- Burst damage on completion
- Damage increases by 10% per auto attack received (up to 80%)
- Cannot be interrupted in first 0.25 seconds if taunting champions

Galio's original League of Legends splash
Notable Skins Evolution:
- Classic (3 versions)
- Enchanted
- Hextech (2 versions)
- Commando
- Gatekeeper
- Debonair

Stone gargoyle with glowing blue eyes

Winged stone gargoyle spreading its wings

Demonic gargoyle in fighting stance

Robot with green glowing eyes

Galio in Hextech armor skin

Gatekeeper Galio skin from League

Galio in elegant white suit

Galio standing before city skyline

Enchanted Galio skin in League

Hextech Galio from League of Legends
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