League of Legends Character Guide: Meet Nidalee, the Bestial Huntress
Raised in the deepest jungle, Nidalee is a master tracker who can shapeshift between human and cougar form. As the leader of her pakaa pack, she fiercely defends her territory from trespassers using traps, spears, and deadly claws.
Abandoned as an infant, Nidalee was adopted by a pack of pakaa (mystical cougar-like wildcats). She learned to hunt and survive as one of them, eventually discovering her ability to shapeshift between human and cougar forms. After her pakaa mother was killed by Kiilash hunters, Nidalee became the new packmother and vowed to protect her territory.
Key Relationships:
- Neeko: Formed a deep bond when Neeko temporarily joined her pack. Their relationship holds romantic undertones, especially from Neeko's side
- Milio: A young Ixtali boy who earned her trust by healing one of her cubs
- Kuulcan: A vastayan she rescued from hunters' traps
- Shapeshifting between human and cougar forms
- Expert javelin throwing
- Natural survival skills and trap-making
- Healing knowledge using jungle resources
Personality & Traits:
- Fiercely protective of her territory and pack
- Distrustful of outsiders, especially humans
- Strong connection to nature and wildlife
- Skilled huntress with both human weapons and natural claws
- Dark-skinned woman with black hair and emerald eyes
- White tribal markings and forehead gem
- Wears animal hide clothing and jewelry made from teeth
- In cougar form, maintains her green eyes and markings

Nidalee in spear-throwing combat stance
Known for being the infamous "Kashdaji Queen," Nidalee continues to protect her jungle home while seeking answers about her true origins and vastayan heritage.
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