Best Jungle Counters for Graves in League of Legends
Graves Counter Guide
Graves is a strong early-game jungler with powerful dueling capabilities. Here's how to effectively counter him:
Key Weaknesses:
- Auto-attacks blocked by minions/monsters
- Vulnerable to CC
- Struggles against multiple targets
- Relies on terrain for quick Q damage
Early Game Strategy:
- Stay behind minions/monsters to block his auto-attacks
- Ward jungle entrances to track movements
- Avoid 1v1 fights levels 1-4
- Position away from walls during skirmishes
- Use Scuttle Crab as shield when fighting in river
Mid-Late Game Approach:
- Group with team to deny isolated picks
- Fight in open areas away from walls
- Apply heavy CC during teamfights
- Travel through warded areas only
- Coordinate invades when his ammo is low
Power Spike Awareness:
- Level 1-4: Strong early duelist
- Level 6: Major power spike with ultimate
- Items: Watch for completed Mythic item
Best Counters:
- Zed: High burst damage
- Rengar: Strong early duels
- Zyra: Good CC and zone control
Weak Against:
- Diana
- Wukong
- Taliyah
Tips for Success:
- Maintain vision control
- Coordinate team CC
- Track ammo count
- Counter-gank when possible
- Avoid isolated fights
Remember: Graves excels at picking off isolated targets and using terrain for quick burst damage. Focus on team coordination and vision control to neutralize his impact.
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