League of Legends Character Guide: Creatures of Shurima and Tahm Kench Lore

League of Legends Character Guide: Creatures of Shurima and Tahm Kench Lore

By Marcus Chen

January 17, 2025 at 04:46 AM

Here's a concise, informative article focusing on the key aspects of Shuriman creatures and Tahm Kench:

Shuriman Desert Creatures are diverse beings that inhabit the harsh landscape of Shurima. Notable species include:

Brackern Ancient crystalline creatures found in various clans throughout the Shuriman desert.

Dormun Massive creatures with chitinous plates that can sense hidden water reservoirs. Nomadic tribes often build permanent homes on their backs.

Mwatis Goat-like creatures with large plated casques. Their wool and plates are valuable for insulation and felting.

Xer'Sai Void creatures that plague southern deserts, typically dog-sized but can vary greatly. Led by their queen Rek'Sai, they're known for rapid decomposition after death.

Sandswimmers Large quadrupeds with narrow bodies and webbed feet, adapted for swimming under sand. They follow predictable migration patterns.

Skallashi Large quadrupedal herbivores used as beasts of burden. Distinguished by their long legs and bad tempers, they're treated with reverence and often decorated with protective symbols.

Tahm Kench - The River King

Tahm Kench is a demon of addiction and despair who travels Runeterra's waterways.

Key Characteristics:

  • Appears as a well-dressed, catfish-like humanoid with massive jaws
  • Feeds on greed and addiction
  • Makes deceptive bargains with mortals
  • Can devour anything with his enormous stomach
  • Possesses water teleportation abilities


  • Demon physiology (immune to physical harm)
  • Emotional feeding from addiction and despair
  • Shape-shifting
  • Amphibious nature
  • Reality-warping through deals
  • Immortality (exists as long as vice persists)


  • Respected by Aatrox
  • Rivals with Evelynn
  • Immune to Kalista's vengeance due to his honest contracts
  • Known to all Yordles

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