League of Legends' Summoner's Cup: The Ultimate Trophy in Esports History
Summoner's Cup trophy in display case
The Summoner's Cup is the prestigious trophy awarded to winners of the League of Legends World Championship. First introduced in 2012, the original cup weighed approximately 70 pounds (32 kg), making it one of the largest sporting trophies globally. It was crafted by Thomas Lyte, known for creating iconic trophies like the FA Cup and Ryder Cup.
In 2022, Riot Games unveiled a redesigned version created by Tiffany & Co. The new trophy weighs 44 pounds (20 kg) and stands 27 inches (68.8 cm) tall. Its base features the names of all World Championship winners from 2011 through 2024.
The Summoner's Cup's influence extends throughout League of Legends, appearing in:
- World Champion skins' recall animations
- Champion abilities
- Special effects
- Above the top lane on Summoner's Rift, displaying the current World Championship title holder's team logo
Notable appearances in champion skins include:
- Season 1: Featured on Fnatic Gragas's cask and Fnatic Karthus's staff
- Season 2: Incorporated into TPA Mundo's cleaver
- Season 3: Visible on SKT T1 Jax's lamppost
- Season 4: Present in SSW Singed's bottle and SSW Thresh's recall
- Season 5: Displayed on SKT T1 Ryze's scroll
- Season 7: Featured in SSG Gnar, Rakan, and Xayah's recalls
- Season 8: Appears in iG LeBlanc, Kai'Sa, and Rakan's recalls
- Season 10: Showcased in DWG Nidalee and Twisted Fate's recalls
- Season 11: Present in EDG champions' recalls (Graves, Viego, Zoe, Aphelios, Yuumi)
- Season 12: Featured in DRX champions' abilities and recalls (Aatrox, Kindred, Maokai, Akali, Caitlyn, Ashe)
The trophy's positioning above Summoner's Rift's top lane, alongside the MSI trophy, serves as a constant reminder of competitive League of Legends' highest achievement.