League of Legends Champion Guide: Dr. Mundo, the Madman of Zaun
Dr. Mundo is a melee juggernaut champion in League of Legends who uses health as a resource for his abilities. He excels at being a durable frontline fighter with significant sustain and damage output.
Core Abilities:
- Goes Where He Pleases (Passive)
- Grants immunity to the next immobilizing effect
- Regenerates health based on maximum health
- Drops a canister when CC'd that can be picked up to heal
- Infected Bonesaw (Q)
- Throws a bonesaw that deals magic damage and slows
- Refunds health cost when hitting champions or monsters
- Has minimum damage threshold
- Heart Zapper (W)
- Charges defibrillator dealing area damage
- Stores damage taken as grey health
- Can be recast to detonate and heal based on stored damage
- Blunt Force Trauma (E)
- Empowers next attack with bonus damage
- Gains bonus AD based on missing health
- Knocks slain targets away, damaging enemies they pass through
- Maximum Dosage (R)
- Gains bonus health, movement speed, and health regeneration
- Effects increase at rank 3 based on nearby enemy champions
- No health cost
Key Strengths:
- Exceptional durability and sustain
- Strong lane presence
- Good objective control
- CC resistance through passive
Counter Tips:
- Focus on sustained damage rather than burst
- Apply grievous wounds to reduce healing
- Coordinate CC after passive is down
Considering his high durability and built-in sustain, Dr. Mundo functions best as a top lane tank who can effectively split push and dominate teamfights through sheer survivability.
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