League of Legends Bestiary: Complete Guide to Shuriman Creatures
Here's the concise, valuable rewrite focusing on Shuriman creatures and Sion:
The diverse wildlife of Shurima includes several unique species adapted to the harsh desert environment:
Brackern Ancient crystalline creatures living in various clans throughout the Shuriman desert.
Dormun Massive creatures with chitinous plates that can sense hidden water reservoirs. Nomadic tribes often build permanent settlements on their backs.
Mwatis Goat-like creatures with plated head casques. Their wool and plates are valued for insulation and felting.
Xer'Sai and Outerbeasts Void creatures that plague the southern deserts. Xer'Sai average the size of large dogs, with their queen Rek'Sai being significantly larger. They burst from burrows to attack caravans and decompose rapidly after death.
Sandswimmers Large quadrupeds with narrow bodies and webbed feet designed for "swimming" through sand. They follow predictable patterns and feed on small desert creatures.
Skallashi Large, bad-tempered quadrupedal herbivores used as beasts of burden. Distinguished by their long legs, they're often decorated with protective symbols and charms. Owning one indicates prosperity.
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Sion: The Undead Juggernaut
A legendary Noxian general brought back from death, Sion is a massive undead warrior who charges relentlessly into battle. Key characteristics:
- Originally a brutal warlord who killed Demacia's King Jarvan I in combat
- Reanimated through dark magic by the Black Rose
- Possesses superhuman strength and durability
- Features include gray skin, glowing red eyes, and metal plates holding his body together
- Wields a massive battle axe
- Current status: Locked in a tomb beneath his statue, deployed as needed by Noxus
- Superhuman strength capable of destroying buildings
- Exceptional durability
- Soul Furnace that absorbs enemy souls
- Can be repeatedly resurrected through hemomancy
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