League of Legends Attack Damage System Overview and Guide
Attack damage (AD) is a fundamental offensive stat in League of Legends that determines the physical damage dealt by basic attacks. It serves as a counterpart to ability power and influences champion playstyles and itemization.
Types of Attack Damage:
- Base AD: Innate attack damage that increases with level
- Bonus AD: Additional attack damage from items, runes, and buffs
- Total AD: Combined base and bonus attack damage
Gold Value: 35 gold per point of attack damage
Scaling and Ratios:
- Abilities can scale with base, bonus, or total AD
- AD scaling doesn't always mean physical damage
- Some champions have no AD ratios on their abilities
Sources of Attack Damage:
- Core items (Bloodsong, Trinity Force, Eclipse)
- Consumables (Elixir of Wrath)
- Item passives (Sterak's Gage, Muramana)
Champion Abilities:
- Buffs (Janna's Eye of the Storm)
- Passive effects (Hecarim's Warpath)
- Ultimate abilities (Tryndamere's Undying Rage)
- Conqueror
- Eyeball Collection
- Adaptive Force shards
Neutral Buffs:
- Hand of Baron
- Infernal Dragon buffs
Notable Facts:
- Base AD ranges from 50 (Senna) to 153 (Illaoi) at level 18
- Highest possible AD ratio: Kalista's Rend (8915% AD)
- Second highest AD ratio: Miss Fortune's Bullet Time (1524% AD with conditions)
AD stacks additively and provides consistent damage through basic attacks, making it essential for marksmen and some fighters. The stat synergizes multiplicatively with attack speed, critical strike chance, and other attack effects.
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