League of Legends: A Complete Guide to Poppy, the Keeper of the Hammer
League of Legends Champion: Poppy
Poppy is a melee warden champion who excels at disrupting enemy movement and protecting allies. She wields a magical hammer passed down by her father and serves as a guardian of Demacia.
Core Abilities:
Iron Ambassador (Passive)
- Periodically throws buckler for bonus magic damage
- Can retrieve buckler for shield
- Shield scales with max health
Hammer Shock (Q)
- Area damage that slows enemies
- Creates rupture after delay for second damage instance
- Deals bonus damage based on target's max health
Steadfast Presence (W)
- Passive: Gains bonus armor/magic resist
- Active: Movement speed boost
- Creates anti-dash field that knocks up and grounds enemies
Heroic Charge (E)
- Dashes to target enemy
- Carries them forward
- Stuns if colliding with terrain
Keeper's Verdict (Ultimate)
- Channeled hammer strike
- Quick tap knocks enemies up
- Full charge launches enemies toward their fountain
- Can snipe with shockwave
Key Strengths:
- Strong anti-mobility toolkit
- Durable tank with shields
- Good at peeling for allies
- Terrain-based crowd control
- Flexible build paths
- Limited damage output
- Relies on positioning
- Weak against sustained damage
- Ultimate can be interrupted
Best played in top lane or jungle as a tank/bruiser hybrid focused on disrupting enemy engages and protecting key allies.

Yordle warrior holding huge hammer
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