Fiora Top Guide: Master the Grand Duelist & Dominate Lane Phase
Fiora is a powerful duelist champion who excels at 1v1 combat and split pushing. Her kit revolves around exploiting enemy weaknesses through her Passive vitals system and outplaying opponents with well-timed parries.
Key Strengths:
- Exceptional dueling potential
- Can counter any CC or damage with W (Riposte)
- Strong split-pushing ability
- Scales well into late game
- Can turn fights with Ultimate's team heal
Notable Weaknesses:
- Weak early game
- Vulnerable when W is on cooldown
- Countered by Grievous Wounds
- Team fighting can be challenging
- Ultimate effects can be avoided through disengagement
Power Spikes:
- First major item completion
- Level 6 (Ultimate unlock)
- Level 9 (Q maxed)
- Level 11 (Ultimate rank 2)
- Level 16 (Ultimate rank 3)
- Full build completion
Optimal Playstyle:
Early Game:
- Keep wave near your tower
- Look for favorable trades
- Focus on farming and scaling
Mid Game:
- Split push to create pressure
- Take 1v1 duels when ahead
- Look for picks in side lanes
Late Game:
- Continue split pushing when ahead
- Flank in team fights
- Focus on getting picks before major objectives
Tips for Success:
- Use terrain to force favorable Vital positions
- Save W for critical CC or damage
- Draw enemy attention while team secures objectives
- Group with team when TP is unavailable
- Prioritize healing allies with Ultimate in team fights
Counter Play:
- Apply early pressure before power spikes
- Build Grievous Wounds early
- Force team fights instead of 1v1s
- Disengage when Ultimate is used
- Focus her when W is on cooldown
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