Hidden Wolf Pack Quest Found in Fortnite: Here's How to Complete It at Predator Peak
A hidden Wolf Pack quest has been discovered in Fortnite Chapter Six, requiring specific steps to complete. Here's everything you need to know to unlock this secret challenge.

Fortnite character views coastal town
How to Complete the Wolf Pack Quest:
- Equip one of these wolf outfits:
- Andy Fangerson
- Dire
- Wolf
- Ione
- The Burning Wolf
- Wendell
- Visit Predator Peak (located south of Crime City)
- Look for a wolf-shaped mountain with gold streaks
- Land near the wolf's feet
- Touch the wolf's claws to trigger the quest

Fortnite character holding mining pickaxe
When successful, you'll hear a wolf howl and see a quest completion banner. While exploring the area, check for Slurp Barrels and chests near the paws.

Wolf Pack outfit in Fortnite
Note: This quest doesn't award XP and requires Shop or Battle Pass skins to complete, making it more of an Easter egg than a traditional quest.

Fortnite character crouching with weapon
[Remaining images retained as per instructions]
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