Graves Jungle Guide: Advanced Tips and Pathing Strategy
Graves is a strong early-game jungle duelist who excels at fighting near terrain and securing objectives.
His abilities work together to create a powerful skirmishing kit:
- Q (Buckshot): Most effective near walls, providing burst damage
- W (Smoke Screen): Creates chaos by applying near-sightedness to enemies
- E (Quickdraw): Enables repositioning and terrain-hopping for escapes
- Passive: Unique auto-attack mechanic that deals heavy close-range damage
Jungle Pathing and Early Game:

League of Legends Graves jungle path

Bearded man in YouTube thumbnail
Key Power Spikes:
- Level 3: Full ability kit unlocked, enabling successful ganks
- Level 6: Ultimate provides strong finishing power
- Level 9: Q maxed, increasing clear speed and burst damage
- Level 11: Second point in Ultimate increases execution potential
- Level 13: Maxed Q and E provide peak dueling power
Game Phase Strategy:
Early Game:
- Focus on aggressive ganking and counter-jungling
- Balance farming with fighting to avoid falling behind
- Secure early objectives (Drakes, Herald)
Mid Game:
- Continue objective control
- Look for 1v1 skirmishes
- Help team siege and secure vision
Late Game:
- Stay grouped with team
- Peel for carries in teamfights
- Look for picks with team
- Vulnerable to CC
- Relatively squishy
- Dependent on positioning
- Can be countered by proper minion wave management
- E cooldown management is crucial
Success with Graves requires aggressive early game presence while maintaining farm efficiency, proper positioning in teamfights, and smart objective control throughout the game.
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