Strongest Graves Counter Picks and How to Counter Jungle Graves
Graves Jungle Counters Guide
Strong early-game duelist who excels at close-range combat and quick burst damage. Here's how to counter him effectively:
Key Weaknesses:
- Auto-attacks blocked by minions/monsters
- Struggles against grouped targets
- Vulnerable to CC
- Limited range
Top Counters:
- Rengar
- Zyra
- Nunu & Willump
- Amumu
- Xin Zhao
Combat Tips:
- Position behind minions/monsters to block his auto-attacks
- Stay away from walls to prevent quick Q explosions
- Only fight when he's low on health and ammo
- Avoid 1v1 duels, especially pre-level 4
Strategic Counters:
- Maintain deep vision around jungle entrances
- Group early to neutralize his pick potential
- Focus on CC-heavy team compositions
- Travel through warded areas to avoid ambushes
Power Spike Awareness:
- Early Game (Levels 1-4): Extremely dangerous in 1v1 situations
- Level 6: Massive dueling power spike with ultimate
- Mid Game: Strong pick potential on isolated targets
Best Champions vs Graves:
- Tank Junglers (Amumu, Zac)
- Strong Early Duelists (Xin Zhao, Rengar)
- CC-Heavy Champions (Nunu, Zyra)
Worst Matchups into Graves:
- Squishy Champions
- Low Mobility Junglers
- Champions without CC
Remember to coordinate with your team and prioritize objective control while avoiding isolated encounters with Graves.
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