Gnar Champion Guide: Master the Transforming Top Lane Fighter in Patch 14.16.1
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Gnar is a unique top lane fighter who alternates between two forms: Mini-Gnar (mobile marksman) and Mega-Gnar (CC-heavy tank).
Core Abilities Priority
- R > Q > W > E
- Q: Primary for wave clear and poke
- W: Adds damage output
- E: Mobility and escape tool
- Level 1: Choose Q for poke or E for safety
Form-Specific Abilities
- Q: Ranged damage skillshot with slow
- W: Three-hit passive for sustained DPS
- E: Double jump with attack speed boost
- Q: Heavy damage skillshot with slow
- W: AoE burst damage with stun
- E: AoE damage jump
- R: Ultimate ability (exclusive to Mega form) - AoE damage and crowd control
Optimal Build Path
Starting Items:
- Doran's Blade
- Health Potion
Core Items:
- Early boots (Plated Steelcaps or Mercury Treads)
- Sheen item
- Bruiser items (early-mid game)
- Tank items (late game)
Key Strategy The optimal build balances between Mini-Gnar's mobile ranged attacks and Mega-Gnar's CC capabilities. Focus on early boots for better kiting and chasing potential, then transition into a bruiser-tank hybrid build for team fight effectiveness.
[Rest of images and formatting maintained as per original, just not shown here since they weren't included in the original content provided]
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