Akshan Champion Guide: Top Lane Assassin Build & Strategy
A versatile marksman-assassin hybrid, Akshan excels in both Top and Mid lanes with his unique mobility and surprise attack potential. His permanent invisibility and quick engage-disengage playstyle make him particularly effective for solo queue dominance.
Primary Role: Assassin Preferred Lane: Toplane Current Patch: 14.16.1
Ability Priority:
- Q (First max)
- E (Second max)
- W (Last max)
Early Game Optimization: For maximum early damage, consider this leveling strategy:
- Level 1: Q
- Level 2: E
- Level 3: Q (second point)
- Level 4: E (second point)
- Level 5: W This approach maximizes early damage potential when W isn't immediately needed for lane presence.
Core Build Path: Starting Items:
- Doran's Blade
- Health Potion
Essential Items:
- Kraken Slayer
- Blade of the Ruined King
- Infinity Edge
Situational Items:
- Guardian Angel (vs heavy AD)
- Maw of Malmortius (vs heavy AP)
- Lord Dominik's Regards (vs tanks)
- Bloodthirster (for sustain)
- Plated Steelcaps (vs AD)
- Mercury's Treads (vs AP/CC)
Build Strategy: Focus on Attack Speed and On-Hit effects to maximize passive double-hit potential. Defensive boots are crucial due to Akshan's need to close distance for damage output. Include armor penetration when facing tanks.
Key Strengths:
- Strong early game presence
- High mobility
- Surprise engage potential
- Excellent roaming capability
- Strong 1v1 dueling
[Note: The image sections were mentioned in the original but no actual images were provided in the content to maintain.]
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