Fortnite World Cup Champion "Aqua" Faces Backlash Over Racial Slur and Controversial Gambling Stunt

Fortnite World Cup Champion "Aqua" Faces Backlash Over Racial Slur and Controversial Gambling Stunt

By Marcus Chen

February 28, 2025 at 12:01 AM

Former Fortnite World Cup Duos champion David "aqua" Wang has sparked controversy through a controversial marketing campaign with gambling website CSGOEmpire. The situation involves a staged kidnapping video and inappropriate social media posts.

Wang, who disappeared from social media in December, reappeared in mid-February in a staged kidnapping scenario orchestrated by CSGOEmpire. The promotion featured Wang appearing anxious while promoting gambling cases under apparent duress, with an unknown man standing behind him.

The controversy deepened when Wang's account responded to a CSGOEmpire Black History Month post with a racial slur. The gambling site's post itself contained harmful stereotypes, drawing further criticism from the gaming community.

CSGOEmpire's troubled history includes:

  • Orchestrating protesters to disrupt the PGL Major in Copenhagen
  • Causing damage to tournament trophies
  • Having their $50,000 Cup canceled after teams and casters withdrew

The marketing stunt has been widely condemned by the gaming community, with critics calling it "senseless, dangerous, and offensive." While both parties continue the promotion, concerns have been raised about the appropriateness of such marketing tactics, especially given Fortnite's younger audience.

Fortnite champions holding tournament trophies

Fortnite champions holding tournament trophies

Two gamers with Fortnite championship trophies

Two gamers with Fortnite championship trophies

CSGO Empire logo, dark banner

CSGO Empire logo, dark banner

[Remaining images maintained as in original article]

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