Fizz Champion Guide: AP Assassin Mastery in League of Legends

Fizz Champion Guide: AP Assassin Mastery in League of Legends

By Marcus Chen

February 26, 2025 at 02:07 AM

Fizz is a mobile AP Assassin who excels in mid lane and is relatively beginner-friendly compared to other assassins in the role.

Fizz Champion

Fizz Champion

Core Abilities Priority

  1. E (Playful/Trickster)
  2. W (Seastone Trident)
  3. Q (Urchin Strike)

E Ability Mechanics

  • SlowE: Standard landing with large AoE damage and slow effect
  • FastE: Extended jump with smaller damage radius but better directional control
  • Use SlowE for waveclearing and reliable damage (80% of cases)
  • FastE for mobility and dodging abilities

Trading Pattern

  1. Initiate with FastE to dodge abilities
  2. Auto-attack enemy
  3. Use W as auto-attack reset
  4. Q to escape through minions

Ultimate Tips

  • Cast ultimate from fog of war to increase hit chance
  • Hide animation during Q dash
  • Use E to dodge CC when shark is about to emerge

Core Build Starting Items:

  • Dark Seal + Refillable Potion
  • Corrupting Potion (alternative)

Core Items:

  1. Hextech Rocketbelt
  2. Sorcerer's Shoes
  3. Rabadon's Deathcap
  4. Void Staff


  • Zhonya's Hourglass (vs AD threats)
  • Lichbane (for split pushing)
  • Shadowflame (vs shields)


  • Focus on roaming post-6
  • Use E carefully as it's your main escape tool
  • Look for picks in side lanes
  • Snowball early advantages through aggressive plays
  • Prioritize squishy targets in teamfights


  • Strong roaming potential
  • High burst damage
  • Good pick potential
  • Strong in lower elos


  • Vulnerable when E is on cooldown
  • Struggles against tanky comps
  • Falls off in higher elos
  • Reliant on snowballing

Note: Success with Fizz heavily depends on proper ability management and understanding when to engage. Focus on mastering the basic trade pattern and E mechanics before attempting more complex plays.

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