League of Legends: Complete Fiora Champion Guide & Build (Patch 15.4.1)
Champions like Fiora thrive in duels and splitpushing scenarios thanks to her powerful kit and scaling potential.
Core Abilities Priority
- Q (Lunge) - Primary damage source and mobility tool
- E (Riposte) - Auto-attack reset and critical strike
- W (Parry) - Defensive ability and CC counter
- R (Grand Challenge) - Ultimate for dueling
Passive: Duelist's Dance Reveals vital points on enemies. Hitting these points deals bonus true damage and provides healing, making it essential for trading and sustaining in lane.
Key Strategy
- Focus on hitting vital points during trades
- Use Q to reposition and proc vitals
- Save W for crucial CC abilities
- Maximize splitpush pressure with good wave clear
Core Build Path Starting Items:
- Doran's Blade + Health Potion
- Long Sword + Refillable Potion
Essential Items:
- Goredrinker/Divine Sunderer (Mythic)
- Ravenous Hydra
- Death's Dance
- Guardian Angel
Situational Items:
- Maw of Malmortius (vs AP)
- Thornmail (vs Heavy AD)
- Blade of the Ruined King (vs HP stackers)
Laning Phase Tips
- Track enemy cooldowns
- Trade when vital points are favorably positioned
- Use Q to farm safely when needed
- Build wave management advantage
- Look for TP plays post-6
Mid to Late Game
- Focus on splitpushing
- Create side lane pressure
- Join teamfights only when necessary
- Target priority: Backline squishies
Best Matchups
- Immobile tanks
- Champions without hard CC
- Predictable skill shot reliant champions
Counter Matchups
- Heavy CC champions
- Range-heavy compositions
- Early game bullies
Master Fiora's mechanics and vital-proccing patterns to dominate lane and create constant side lane pressure, forcing enemies to respond to your splitpush while maintaining the ability to join crucial teamfights when needed.
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