Fiora Top Lane Runes: Best Season 15 Setup with 50.1% Win Rate
In patch 15.3, Fiora maintains a 50.1% win rate in the top lane, with optimal rune choices focusing on Precision primary and Resolve secondary trees.
Best Runes for Fiora:
- Primary (Precision): Conqueror, Presence of Mind, Legend: Alacrity, Last Stand
- Secondary (Resolve): Demolish, Bone Plating
Strong Matchups (55%+ Win Rate):
- Illaoi (57.2%)
- Kled (56.6%)
- Pantheon (56.6%)
- Zac (56.1%)
- Ornn (55.4%)
- Mordekaiser (55.3%)
Weak Matchups (Sub-46% Win Rate):
- Nasus (40.9%)
- Warwick (41.6%)
- Malphite (42.9%)
- Kayle (43.1%)
- Akali (45.0%)
- Vladimir (45.5%)
Best Jungle Synergies:
- Udyr (57.1%)
- Warwick (55.7%)
- Sejuani (55.4%)
- Talon (54.5%)
- Nocturne (53.8%)
- Nidalee (53.4%)
Key Tips:
- Focus on split-pushing and dueling rather than team fighting
- Trade when enemy abilities are on cooldown
- Utilize your Q to chase down opponents
- Prioritize extended trades where Fiora excels
Combat Strategy:
- Look for opportunities to engage when enemies waste key abilities
- Use your mobility to maintain pressure in side lanes
- Maximize your dueling potential through proper vital positioning
- Take advantage of your strong extended trade potential
Fiora excels as a split-pushing duelist, making her most effective when applying constant side lane pressure and forcing 1v1 situations. Success with Fiora comes from mastering her vital-hitting mechanics and knowing when to engage in extended trades.
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