Diana: Complete Champion Guide for Jungle Domination
Diana is a powerful magical damage jungler combining simple mechanics with strong powerspikes. Her mobility comes from the ability to chain target jumps, with her E resetting when enemies are marked by Q.
Core Strengths:
- Fast jungle clear with AoE damage
- Strong post-level 6 ganking potential
- Excellent burst damage
- Good objective control
Ability Priority:
- Q (Crescent Strike)
- W (Pale Cascade)
- E (Lunar Rush)
Ultimate (R): Moonfall at level 6
Key Runes: Primary (Precision):
- Conqueror
- Presence of Mind
- Legend: Alacrity
- Last Stand
Secondary (Inspiration):
- Perfect Timing
- Cosmic Insight
Core Build: Starting Items:
- Hailblade
- Refillable Potion
Core Items:
- Hextech Rocketbelt
- Zhonya's Hourglass
- Shadowflame
Situational Items:
- Rabbadon's Deathcap (when ahead)
- Void Staff (vs. MR stacking)
- Demonic Embrace (vs. tanky teams)
Early Game Strategy:
- Focus on efficient clearing to reach level 6
- Avoid early skirmishes with strong early game junglers
- Secure Scuttle Crabs when safe
Mid-Late Game:
- Look for picks with Q+E combo
- Use ultimate for teamfight disruption
- Split push when necessary using strong wave clear
- Prioritize objectives after successful ganks
- Always lead with Q before using E to get the reset
- Use W's shield timing effectively in duels
- Coordinate ultimate with team's CC for maximum impact
- Build damage when ahead, defensive items when behind