Comprehensive 15.4.1 Galio Support Guide: Tank Build & Strategy
Here's the concise, optimized version:
Galio is a powerful tank support champion known for his strong crowd control abilities and counter-play potential against assassins and melee fighters. Originally a mid-lane champion, his kit translates well into the support role.
Core Abilities:
- Shield of Durand (W): Primary engage tool that taunts enemies and provides magic damage shield
- Piercing Justice (E): Knockup ability that can affect multiple enemies in close proximity
- Heroic Entrance (R): Semi-global ultimate that shields allies and provides strong engage potential
- Winds of War (Q): Area damage ability for poke and wave control
- Demolishing Colossus (P): Magic damage passive that helps with trading
Skill Priority:
- W (Shield of Durand)
- E (Piercing Justice)
- Q (Winds of War)
- Level R (Heroic Entrance) whenever possible
Core Build Path: Starting Items:
- Relic Shield
- 2 Health Potions
Main Items:
- Locket of the Iron Solari
- Evenshroud
- Thornmail
- Knight's Vow
Situational Items:
- Zeke's Convergence (with AD carry)
- Abyssal Mask (vs heavy AP)
- Force of Nature (vs heavy AP)
- Frozen Heart (vs heavy AD)
Support Playstyle:
- Engage with W-E combo for guaranteed CC
- Use ultimate to counter-engage or assist other lanes
- Position aggressively in lane to zone enemies
- Focus on peeling for carries in teamfights
- Coordinate ultimate with team's engage tools
Strong Against:
- Assassins
- Melee fighters
- Dive compositions
- Magic damage threats
Weak Against:
- Long-range poke
- Sustained damage compositions
- Heavy anti-tank teams
Best ADC Synergies:
- Aggressive carries like Draven, Lucian
- Follow-up CC carries like Jhin, Ashe
- Late-game hypercarries like Vayne, Kog'Maw
This build focuses on maximizing Galio's natural tankiness while providing utility for the team through support items. Adapt your item build based on enemy team composition and game state.
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