Cassiopeia: In-Depth Champion Guide for League of Legends Season 15
Cassiopeia is a powerful control mage who excels at dealing sustained magical damage through her poisonous abilities and twin fang strikes. Unable to purchase boots due to her passive, she gains movement speed per level and an extra item slot for late-game scaling.
Core Abilities & Mechanics
- Passive (Snake Grace): Gains movement speed per level, cannot buy boots
- Q (Noxious Blast): Creates a poisonous explosion, granting movement speed when hitting champions
- W (Miasma): Creates a grounding poison field that prevents mobility spells
- E (Twin Fang): Rapid-fire single target damage, enhanced against poisoned targets
- R (Petrifying Gaze): Stuns enemies facing Cassiopeia, slows those facing away
Skill Order E > Q > W > R Max E first for primary damage output, then Q for poison damage and mobility, W last.
Key Strengths
- Exceptional sustained damage output
- Strong scaling into late game
- Effective self-peel capabilities
- Extra item slot advantage
Key Weaknesses
- Mana intensive early game
- Shorter range than typical mages
- High mechanical skill requirement
- Vulnerable to long-range mages
Best Matchups
- Linear-engaging assassins (LeBlanc)
- Short-range mages (Sylas, Ahri)
Difficult Matchups
- Mobile assassins (Zed)
- Long-range mages (Viktor, Syndra)
Basic Combo Q → AA → E → E → AA → E Use W and R situationally for zone control and self-protection.
Core Build Path
- Starting items: Tear of the Goddess + potions
- Liandry's Anguish
- Seraph's Embrace
- Void Staff/Rabadon's Deathcap
Note: Build should be adjusted based on game state and enemy composition.
Strategic Tips
- Manage mana carefully early game
- Position safely to maximize damage output
- Use W strategically to zone enemies
- Save R for crucial moments in teamfights
- Focus on farming and scaling in difficult matchups
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