Camille Guide: Complete Champion Overview for Season 2024
Camille is a highly mobile bruiser specializing in top lane combat, particularly excelling in 1v1 situations. Her kit revolves around precision strikes and mobility, though she lacks significant AOE damage capabilities.
Key Abilities and Priority:
- Q (First max): Primary damage source with low cooldown, essential for trades
- E (Second max): Mobility tool for engage/escape
- W (Last max): Poke and sustain ability
- R: Lock-down ultimate for securing kills
Level 1 Ability Choice:
- Q: Against weak level 1 melee champions
- E: Versus ranged top laners with weak early game (e.g., Gnar)
- W: Default choice for damage and healing (Only use if you've taken damage)
Abilities Image
Core Build Path:
- Starting Items:
- Doran's Blade + Health Potion
- Corrupting Potion (matchup dependent)
- Core Items:
- Trinity Force/Divine Sunderer
- Ravenous Hydra
- Death's Dance
- Situational Items:
- Guardian Angel
- Maw of Malmortius
- Sterak's Gage
- Force of Nature
Build Strategy:
- Prioritize AD for ability scaling
- Balance with defensive stats for survivability
- Include wave clear items for roaming potential
- Build more defensively in late game
Items Image
- Exceptional mobility with E and R
- Strong 1v1 potential
- Reliable damage output with Q
- Good scaling into late game
- Limited AOE damage
- Vulnerable in early game
- Team fight contribution relies on target selection
- High skill ceiling
Champion Identity: Camille functions as a precision fighter, using her mobility to hunt down priority targets and create map pressure through side lane dominance. Her success relies heavily on mechanical execution and understanding of engagement timing.
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