Best Nautilus Support Build and Guide for League 15.4

Best Nautilus Support Build and Guide for League 15.4

By Marcus Chen

February 25, 2025 at 01:42 PM

Nautilus Support Build Guide

Nautilus is a powerful engage support champion who excels at crowd control and initiating teamfights. Here's a comprehensive guide for optimal performance.

Core Build (48.4% WR, 19,034 matches):

  • Summoner Spells: Flash, Ignite
  • First Item: Celestial Opposition
  • Core Items: Plated Steelcaps, Locket of the Iron Solari
  • Final Items: Knight's Vow, Thornmail, Vigilant Wardstone
  • Skill Order: Q > W > E

Optimal Runes:

  • Primary: Aftershock, Shield Bash, Bone Plating, Unflinching
  • Secondary: Biscuit Delivery, Cosmic Insight
  • Shards: Ability Haste, Health Scaling, Health Scaling

Strong Against:

  • Yuumi (54.6% WR)
  • Mel (53.7% WR)
  • Zilean (53.2% WR)
  • LeBlanc (52.8% WR)
  • Elise (52.5% WR)

Weak Against:

  • Taric (36.6% WR)
  • Renata Glasc (42.7% WR)
  • Rell (43.3% WR)
  • Tahm Kench (43.9% WR)
  • Bard (44.9% WR)

Best ADC Synergies:

  • Samira (52.1% WR)
  • Yasuo (51.4% WR)
  • Sivir (51.2% WR)
  • Kog'Maw (50.9% WR)
  • Nilah (50.8% WR)

Key Tips:

  1. Save Q for when enemies misposition or use escape abilities
  2. Use Q to catch enemies during tower sieges
  3. Roam after recalls to impact other lanes
  4. Coordinate engages with your ADC for maximum effectiveness
  5. Position aggressively in lane to threaten engage potential

Alternative Build Options:

  1. Solstice Sleigh Build (51.0% WR)
  2. Bloodsong Build (53.0% WR)
  3. Glacial Augment Build (49.0% WR)

Adjust your build based on matchups and team compositions for optimal performance. Consider defensive items against heavy AP or AD teams.

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