Best Nautilus Support Build and Guide for League 15.4
Nautilus Support Build Guide
Nautilus is a powerful engage support champion who excels at crowd control and initiating teamfights. Here's a comprehensive guide for optimal performance.
Core Build (48.4% WR, 19,034 matches):
- Summoner Spells: Flash, Ignite
- First Item: Celestial Opposition
- Core Items: Plated Steelcaps, Locket of the Iron Solari
- Final Items: Knight's Vow, Thornmail, Vigilant Wardstone
- Skill Order: Q > W > E
Optimal Runes:
- Primary: Aftershock, Shield Bash, Bone Plating, Unflinching
- Secondary: Biscuit Delivery, Cosmic Insight
- Shards: Ability Haste, Health Scaling, Health Scaling
Strong Against:
- Yuumi (54.6% WR)
- Mel (53.7% WR)
- Zilean (53.2% WR)
- LeBlanc (52.8% WR)
- Elise (52.5% WR)
Weak Against:
- Taric (36.6% WR)
- Renata Glasc (42.7% WR)
- Rell (43.3% WR)
- Tahm Kench (43.9% WR)
- Bard (44.9% WR)
Best ADC Synergies:
- Samira (52.1% WR)
- Yasuo (51.4% WR)
- Sivir (51.2% WR)
- Kog'Maw (50.9% WR)
- Nilah (50.8% WR)
Key Tips:
- Save Q for when enemies misposition or use escape abilities
- Use Q to catch enemies during tower sieges
- Roam after recalls to impact other lanes
- Coordinate engages with your ADC for maximum effectiveness
- Position aggressively in lane to threaten engage potential
Alternative Build Options:
- Solstice Sleigh Build (51.0% WR)
- Bloodsong Build (53.0% WR)
- Glacial Augment Build (49.0% WR)
Adjust your build based on matchups and team compositions for optimal performance. Consider defensive items against heavy AP or AD teams.
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