![Akshan: Complete Champion Guide & Build for League of Legends [Patch 15.4]](/api/files/image/cm7kh1asd06wl9zbvu9dvvqqx/thumbnail.jpg)
Akshan: Complete Champion Guide & Build for League of Legends [Patch 15.4]
Role: Mid/Top Lane Phase: Aggressive marksman-assassin with strong early game potential
Core Abilities
- Q: Avengerang (Main poke tool)
- E: Heroic Swing (Mobility/Combat)
- W: Going Rogue (Stealth/Utility)
Optimal Skill Order
- Start Q > E > Q > E/W
- Max Q > E > W
- Put points in R whenever possible
- Early game tip: Skip W until first back if not needed for stealth
Core Build Starting Items:
- Doran's Blade + Health Potion
Core Items:
- Kraken Slayer
- Blade of the Ruined King
- Infinity Edge
- Lord Dominik's Regards (vs tanks)
- Guardian Angel (defensive)
- Bloodthirster (sustain)
Key Runes Primary (Precision):
- Press the Attack
- Presence of Mind
- Legend: Alacrity
- Coup de Grace
Secondary (Inspiration):
- Magical Footwear
- Biscuit Delivery
Champion Overview Akshan excels as a unique marksman-assassin hybrid, leveraging his mobility and stealth to create picks. His double-shot passive makes him particularly effective with on-hit and attack speed items. His playstyle revolves around quick trades, utilizing his E to engage and disengage rapidly.
Key Strengths
- Strong early game presence
- High mobility with E
- Stealth mechanics for surprise engages
- Excellent roaming potential
- Strong 1v1 potential
Key Weaknesses
- High skill cap
- Vulnerable when E is on cooldown
- Requires good positioning
- Team fight contribution can be challenging
Gameplay Tips
- Use Q for safe farming and poke
- Save E for escape or all-in opportunities
- Utilize W's stealth for map pressure
- Focus on short trades rather than extended fights
- Prioritize squishy targets in team fights
Optimal for players who enjoy high-mobility champions and aggressive playstyles, Akshan rewards mastery with strong carry potential and unique strategic options.
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