Best Mordekaiser ARAM Building Guide & Strategy
ARAM Build Guide for Mordekaiser
Win Rate: 53.0% (based on 32,657 matches)
Core Items:
- Starter: Thornplate, Health Crystal
- Core Build: Riftmaker, Demonic Embrace, Spirit Visage
- Boots: Plated Steelcaps or Mercury's Treads
Optimal Runes:
- Keystone: Conqueror
- Primary: Triumph, Legend: Tenacity, Last Stand
- Secondary: Shield Bash, Revitalize
Summoner Spells:
- Mark/Dash (Snowball)
- Flash
Skill Order:
- Q - Obliterate
- E - Death's Grasp
- W - Indestructible
Key Combos:
- Basic Combo: Q + Auto Attack to activate passive
- Engage Combo: Close-range E + AA + Q
- Trading Pattern: Weave Auto Attacks between Q cooldown
Situational Items:
- vs AP: Force of Nature, Abyssal Mask
- vs AD: Thornmail, Dead Man's Plate
- vs Mixed: Gargoyle Stoneplate
Core Combat Tips:
- Use E to pull enemies back when they try to escape
- Activate W for sustain during extended trades
- Save ultimate for priority targets in teamfights
Alternative Builds:
- Tank Focus: Sunfire Aegis, Thornmail, Spirit Visage
- AP Focus: Riftmaker, Cosmic Drive, Shadowflame
- Hybrid: Demonic Embrace, Rylai's, Dead Man's Plate
Similar Champions for ARAM:
- Darius (Average difficulty)
- Garen (Average difficulty)
- Illaoi (Hard difficulty)
- Aatrox (Severe difficulty)
Note: Mordekaiser has no special ARAM balance changes affecting his performance.
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