Best Illaoi Top Build: Guide to Runes, Items and Counters
Flash and Teleport are the optimal Summoner Spells for Illaoi Top. Here are the most effective builds based on win rates:
Most Popular Build (51.2% WR, 815 matches)
- Runes: Grasp of the Undying, Demolish, Bone Plating, Overgrowth, Last Stand, Presence of Mind
- Rune Shards: Adaptive Force (x2), Health Scaling
- Items: Iceborn Gauntlet > Plated Steelcaps > Black Cleaver > Sterak's Gage > Spirit Visage > Thornmail
- Skill Order: E > Q > W
Alternative Build (53.6% WR, 274 matches)
- Runes: Conqueror, Presence of Mind, Legend: Haste, Last Stand, Bone Plating, Demolish
- Items: Black Cleaver > Plated Steelcaps > Iceborn Gauntlet > Sterak's Gage > Spirit Visage > Frozen Heart
- Skill Order: E > Q > W
Key Tips:
- Use terrain Tentacles instead of Q to save mana while trading
- W acts as an auto-attack reset
- R has brief unstoppability - use to dodge crucial CC
Strong Against:
- Maokai (70.4% WR)
- Olaf (64.1% WR)
- Pantheon (58.7% WR)
- Akali (58.1% WR)
- Irelia (57.6% WR)
Weak Against:
- Aurora (34.2% WR)
- Yorick (38.8% WR)
- Ryze (40.5% WR)
- Cho'Gath (42.1% WR)
- Sion (42.2% WR)
Best Jungle Synergies:
- Nocturne (50.0% WR)
- Vi (49.8% WR)
- Graves (48.8% WR)
Adjust build and runes based on specific matchups, team compositions, and game state. Consider taking Armor or Magic Resist shards depending on lane opponent.
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