Best Counter Picks & Tips Against Vayne Bot
Vayne Bot Counters & Strategy Guide

Vayne, League of Legends champion
Best Counters:
- Nilah
- Aphelios
- Varus
- Caitlyn
- Twitch
- Jinx
- Tristana
Effective Laning Strategy:
- Attack aggressively when Vayne's Q is on cooldown
- Avoid extended trades due to her W's bonus damage
- Force her to overextend for farm and coordinate with your jungler
- Push lane and take tower plates to build gold advantage
Mid-Late Game Tactics:
- Collapse on Vayne when she split pushes, but don't overcommit if Baron is up
- Use crowd control (CC) to prevent her kiting and damage output
- Force consecutive team fights to deplete her Ultimate R availability
- End the game quickly, as Vayne scales extremely well into late game
Key Power Spikes:
- Level 6: Significant increase in kill pressure and mobility with Ultimate R
- Early Game: Extremely vulnerable, ideal time to create advantages
- Late Game: Becomes exceptionally powerful and difficult to counter
Counter Tips:
- Coordinate CC chains in team fights
- Punish her weak early game
- Focus on objectives and fast game closure
- Maintain vision control to prevent solo farming
This guide focuses on specific matchup knowledge and strategic counters to effectively shut down Vayne throughout all game phases.
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