Best Champions to Counter Neeko Mid
Dealing with Neeko can be challenging due to her versatile kit and strong teamfight presence. Here's how to effectively counter her in mid lane.
Strong Counters Against Neeko:
- Lissandra: Excellent mobility and CC to disrupt Neeko's combos
- Taliyah: Strong waveclear and roaming potential
- Vladimir: Can pool to avoid Neeko's CC and ultimate
- Galio: Natural tankiness and strong counter-engage
- Irelia: High mobility and all-in potential
Laning Phase Tips:
- Maintain maximum distance to avoid her E (root) ability
- Position outside minion waves to reduce Q damage and push potential
- Respect her kill pressure when Ultimate is available
- Play cautiously at level 6 power spike
Team Fight Strategy:
- Focus on disengaging when Neeko moves forward aggressively
- Ward bushes and flanks to prevent surprise engages
- Space your team apart to minimize Ultimate impact
- Watch for her Passive disguise in objective fights
Key Power Spikes to Watch:
- Level 6: Significant kill threat with Ultimate
- First item completion: Enhanced waveclear
- Team fight phase: Strong AoE CC potential
Remember to prioritize early Magic Resist and maintain proper spacing to minimize her effectiveness in both lane and team fights.
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