Best Champions to Counter Karthus in Jungle - Season 14
Strong counters to Karthus in the jungle include champions like Amumu, Warwick, Shyvana, and Ekko. These picks can effectively disrupt his farming and reduce his impact on the game.
Early Game Strategy
- Invade his jungle frequently to delay his level 6 power spike
- Focus on stealing his blue buff to limit his mana-dependent clear speed
- Contest early camps to slow down his farming progression
Mid-Late Game Tactics
- Save CC abilities to interrupt his Ultimate (R)
- When killing Karthus, quickly reposition away from his passive
- Be cautious of his Ultimate when engaging in team fights
- Counter his split pushing by forcing team fights, but remain aware of his global presence
Key Power Spikes
- Level 6 (Ultimate ability)
- Jungle item completion
- AP and magic penetration item purchases
Important Counter Tips
- Track his Ultimate cooldown and communicate with teammates
- Coordinate invades with your laners
- Build magic resistance early if needed
- Prioritize disrupting his farm over forcing ganks
Remember that Karthus scales extremely well with items, so denying his income through jungle control is crucial for success. His clear speed and map presence increase significantly once he completes core items, making early game pressure essential.
Karthus Counter Picks
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