Best Ahri ARAM Builds and Strategies
Based on 63,487 matches, Ahri has a 45.7% win rate in ARAM. Here's the optimal build and strategy guide:
ARAM Balance Changes:
- Healing Received: 90% (reduced from 100%)
Core Build Path:
- Starter Items:
- Lost Chapter
- 2x Health Potion
- Core Items:
- Liandry's Anguish
- Shadowflame
- Rabadon's Deathcap
- Situational Items:
- Void Staff (vs. MR)
- Morellonomicon (vs. Healing)
- Zhonyas Hourglass (vs. Assassins)
- Cosmic Drive (for AH)
Ability Order:
- Q (Orb of Deception)
- W (Fox-Fire)
- E (Charm) Max Order: R > Q > W > E
Key Combos:
- Trading Combo: AA > W > Q
- All-in (Level 3): E > Q > W > AA
- Basic Trade: Q > W + AA
Recommended Summoner Spells:
- Flash
- Mark/Dash (Snowball)
Essential Runes:
- Primary: Electrocute
- Secondary: Sorcery
Important Tips:
- Use snowball for additional mobility alongside ultimate
- Save Charm (E) for priority targets or self-peel
- Focus on poking with Q before committing to all-ins
- Position behind frontline for optimal damage output
Counter Picks: Ahri struggles against:
- Leblanc
- Kassadin
- Fizz
- Veigar
Don't forget to adjust your build based on enemy team composition and your team's needs.
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