Bard Support Counter Guide: Best and Worst Matchups
strategies when facing Bard in League of Legends:
Laning Phase Tactics
- Capitalize on Bard's absence when he collects Chimes by pressuring his ADC
- Position away from minion waves to avoid Q stuns
- For melee champions: maintain safe distance, only approaching for last hits
- Avoid standing near walls to prevent stun opportunities
Mid-Game Counter Strategy
- Maintain scattered positioning to avoid multi-champion Ultimate (R) catches
- Take alternate pathing near objectives to prevent wall stuns
- Never overstay under turrets when low health - Bard can disable the tower with R
Power Spike Awareness
- Early Game: Respect Bard's strong auto-attack harass
- Level 6: Less threatening than damage-dealing ultimates
- Late Game: Increases in strength with Chime collection

Strong Counter Picks:
- Poppy
- Maokai
- Vel'Koz
- Pyke
- Senna
Key Weaknesses:
- Vulnerable when collecting Chimes
- Requires wall proximity for CC
- Ultimate doesn't deal direct damage
- Team-dependent for follow-up damage
Effective Counter Play:
- Punish roaming behavior
- Maintain proper spacing
- Force fights when Ultimate is down
- Focus isolated targets before teamfights
Remember to communicate Bard's position with your team and coordinate engages when his utility spells are on cooldown.
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