Anivia: Ultimate Guide to Master the Cryophoenix in Mid Lane
The Cryophoenix emerges as a powerful control mage in League of Legends, excelling in mid-lane with exceptional waveclear and zone control capabilities.
Core Abilities Overview:
- Passive (Rebirth): Transforms into an egg upon fatal damage, reviving if egg survives for 6 seconds
- Q (Flash Frost): Sends ice crystal that stuns and damages enemies
- W (Crystallize): Creates an impassable ice wall
- E (Frostbite): Deals double damage to chilled targets
- R (Glacial Storm): Creates a growing storm that slows and damages enemies
Skill Order Priority:
- R (whenever possible)
- E (max first)
- Q (max second)
- W (max last)
Standard Combo:
- Pre-6: Q > Auto Attack > E
- Post-6: R > Q > Auto Attack > E
- Exceptional zone control
- Strong waveclear
- Safe laning phase with passive
- Powerful late-game scaling
- Versatile in both 1v1 and team fights
- Immobile
- Skill-shot dependent
- Vulnerable to high-mobility champions
- Mana intensive early game
Build Path:
- Starting Items: Tear of the Goddess, Health Potion
- Core Items: Archangel's Staff, Liandry's Torment, Zhonya's Hourglass
- Situational: Void Staff, Rabadon's Deathcap, Banshee's Veil
Advanced Tips:
- Use W to force advantageous trades
- Position R strategically in teamfights
- Combine abilities with team CC
- Control objectives with wall placement
- Manage mana carefully early game
Anivia requires significant practice to master but offers exceptional rewards for dedicated players, particularly in controlling teamfights and objective zones.
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