Amumu Support: Complete Guide to the Tank Support Champion
Starting items are essential for Amumu Support. Begin with Relic Shield and 2 Health Potions for sustain and gold generation.
Core Abilities Priority:
- Q: Bandage Toss (Max first)
- E: Tantrum (Max second)
- W: Despair (Max last)
- R: Curse of the Sad Mummy (Take at 6, 11, 16)
Key Strengths:
- Strong engage potential with Q
- Multiple CC abilities
- Game-changing ultimate
- Good synergy with AP carries due to passive
Core Build Path:
- Start: Relic Shield + 2 Health Potions
- Build into Steel Shoulderguards
- Rush Evenshroud as mythic item
- Knight's Vow for ally protection
- Zeke's Convergence for CC synergy
Situational Items:
- Frozen Heart (vs heavy AD)
- Force of Nature (vs heavy AP)
- Redemption (for team utility)
- Thornmail (vs healing comps)
Playstyle Tips:
- Use Q carefully - it's your main engage tool
- Coordinate ultimates with team follow-up
- Look for multi-target ultimates in teamfights
- Apply passive to priority targets
- Conserve mana with W usage
Runes: Primary (Resolve):
- Aftershock
- Font of Life
- Conditioning
- Unflinching
Secondary (Inspiration):
- Biscuit Delivery
- Cosmic Insight
Lane Strategy:
- Look for Q engages when enemy key abilities are on cooldown
- Use E to reduce incoming damage when trading
- Save ultimate for key teamfight moments
- Coordinate with ADC for all-in potential
- Help secure cannon minions with Relic Shield
This guide focuses on maximizing Amumu's support potential through proper itemization, ability usage, and strategic play patterns.
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