Xerath Support Guide: The Long Range Mage Master - Champion Guide 15.4.1

Xerath Support Guide: The Long Range Mage Master - Champion Guide 15.4.1

By Marcus Chen

February 28, 2025 at 12:42 PM

Xerath is a long-range artillery mage who excels as both a support and mid laner, capable of dealing massive poke damage from a safe distance while providing utility through slows and stuns.

Key Strengths:
- Exceptional long-range poke with Q and W abilities
- Strong lane control and zoning potential 
- High damage output when landing full ability combos
- CC utility with W slow and E stun
- Self-peel against dive champions

Core Weaknesses:
- Heavily skill-shot dependent
- Immobile and vulnerable to assassins
- High mana costs early game
- Struggles against high mobility champions

Ability Overview:

Passive - Mana Surge:
- Auto attacks restore mana every 16 seconds
- Cooldown reduced by 2.5s when killing units

Q - Arcanopulse (Max First):
- Charged beam that deals magic damage
- Longer range with longer charge time
- Main poke and waveclear ability

W - Eye of Destruction (Max Second): 
- AOE magic damage and slow
- Enhanced damage and slow in center
- Helps land other abilities

E - Shocking Orb (Max Last):
- Single target stun projectile
- Key defensive and catch tool
- 2.25s stun duration

R - Rite of the Arcane:
- Long-range artillery barrage
- 4/5/6 shots based on rank
- Excellent for cleanup and siege

Key Ability Combos:

Basic Poke:
W > Q - Use W slow to guarantee Q hit

Full CC Chain:
E > W > Q - Maximum damage during stun

Quick Burst:
W > E > Q - Fast combo for CC'd targets

Flash Combo:
Q charge > Flash - Extends Q range for finishing blows

Core Build Path:

- Spellthief's Edge
- 2 Health Potions
- Stealth Ward

Core Items:
- Liandry's Anguish
- Cosmic Drive 
- Void Staff

- Shadowflame vs squishies
- Morellonomicon vs healing
- Zhonya's Hourglass vs assassins

Playstyle Tips:
- Focus on poking from max range
- Use W slow to set up other abilities
- Save E for self-peel or guaranteed catches
- Position safely behind frontline
- Use ultimate for cleanup or siege pressure

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