WoW Classic: Complete PvP Class Tier List - From Best to Worst

WoW Warsong Gulch PvP battle
PvP in World of Warcraft Classic varies significantly across different contexts, from battlegrounds to world PvP and duels. Each class performs differently depending on the situation, gear, and skill level.

Illidan character in desert landscape
- Arms Warrior: Exceptional with endgame gear, especially when paired with healers
- Frost Mage: Superior crowd control and burst damage capabilities
- Assassination/Subtlety Rogue: Elite burst damage and unmatched stun control
- Holy Paladin: Best single-target healing in Classic
- Warlock (Demonology/Destruction): High skill cap with strong CC and damage
- Shadow Priest: Excellent single-target DPS with self-healing abilities
- Holy/Discipline Priest: Reliable healing with decent utility
- Hunter: Strong ranged damage but limited by Dead Zone
- Elemental/Restoration Shaman: Good burst damage and utility through totems
- Restoration Druid: Mobile healing with strong HoTs
- Feral Druid: Limited damage but excellent flag carrying in WSG
- Restoration Druid: Mobile healing but weaker than other healers
- Retribution Paladin: Gear-dependent with inconsistent performance
- Enhancement Shaman: Heavily gear-dependent, inconsistent damage
- Balance Druid: Severe mana issues and suboptimal damage output
Each class's effectiveness depends heavily on gear, skill, and situation. The best performers generally combine strong damage or healing with reliable crowd control and survival abilities.
[Note: All subsequent images in the original article have been preserved in their original order with their exact URLs as per instructions]
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