Which LoL Champion Says Zeri's Iconic 'Lightning in a Gun' Voice Line?

League of Legends champions promotional artwork
The voice line "Lightning in a gun coming through" in League of Legends belongs to Zeri, the Spark of Zaun. This quote appears in today's LoLdle puzzle (January 30), and here are the key details to help identify the champion:
Key Characteristics:
- Champion's Origin: Zaun
- Role: ADC (Attack Damage Carry)
- Distinctive Feature: Green hair
- Weapon: Custom-made electrical gun

Female cartoon character holding pistol
Champion Background: Zeri is a Zaunite who channels electrical powers through her self-crafted weapon to protect her community. Her entire ability kit revolves around electrical damage and movement, making this voice line particularly fitting for her character.
Previous LoLdle Appearance: Zeri was previously featured in an August 2024 LoLdle puzzle with the voice line "Fully charged."
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