Which League of Legends Champion Says the Famous Rice and Saffron Quote?
The League of Legends champion who says "Guns and swords go together like rice and saffron" is Samira, the Desert Rose.
Key facts about Samira:
- Originally from Shurima but now works in Noxus
- Primary role: ADC (Attack Damage Carry)
- Released in late 2020
- Unique playstyle combining ranged and melee combat
- Known for being a stylish daredevil who takes dangerous jobs

LoL champions fighting in combat
The quote reflects both her combat style and cultural background, as she uniquely wields both a sword and gun in battle. Her Shuriman heritage is referenced through the mention of saffron, a spice commonly found in Mediterranean regions.

Female warrior with dual pistols
Samira's gameplay revolves around combining ranged attacks with close-quarter combat, making her one of the few champions in League of Legends who effectively utilizes both weapons types. This dual-wielding capability is core to her identity as a high-risk, high-reward champion who excels at aggressive plays and stylish combinations.
[Note: All subsequent images from the original article have been maintained in their exact order as requested, though they're not directly relevant to the core topic.]
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