Warwick Top Lane Build Guide - Best Runes & Items for Patch 14.23
Warwick Top Build Guide Patch 14.23 (58.9% Win Rate)
Most effective runes for Warwick Top:
- Primary: Lethal Tempo, Presence of Mind, Legend: Alacrity, Last Stand
- Secondary: Second Wind, Revitalize
- Shards: Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, Health Scaling (adjust based on matchup)
Summoner Spells:
- Flash
- Barrier
Core Item Build Order:
- Blade of The Ruined King
- Plated Steelcaps
- Stridebreaker
- Sterak's Gage
- Spirit Visage
- Unending Despair
Skill Order: Q > W > E
Strong Matchups:
- Jayce (100% WR)
- Heimerdinger (100% WR)
- Ryze (100% WR)
- Shaco (100% WR)
- Lucian (100% WR)
- Diana (100% WR)
Counters to Avoid:
- Skarner
- Akali
- Poppy
- Rumble
- Shen
Key Tips:
- If unable to secure kills with ultimate in top lane, roam mid for kill opportunities
- Look for picks with ultimate during mid and late game to secure objectives
- When behind, group with team for picks
- When ahead, focus on split pushing and objective control
Situational Items: Adjust your build based on:
- Enemy team composition
- Your matchup
- Game state
- Team needs
For defensive stats, consider:
- Armor against AD-heavy teams
- Magic Resist against AP-heavy teams
This build data is based on 73 matches in Emerald+ ranked games.
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