Warwick Jungle Build Guide: Best Runes & Items for Season 14
Press the Attack is the optimal keystone for Warwick jungle, paired with Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, and Last Stand. The secondary runes should be Celerity and Waterwalking for enhanced mobility and river control.
Core Build Path:
- Start: Hunter's Machete + Refillable Potion
- Early Game: Stridebreaker
- Core Items: Plated Steelcaps, Blade of the Ruined King
- Late Game: Thornmail, Spirit Visage, Sterak's Gage
Skill Order: W > Q > E
Key Tips:
- Leverage early game strength with aggressive ganking
- Use ultimate (R) for guaranteed kills when available
- Prioritize Dragon control with strong early-game dueling
Strong Matchups:
- Master Yi (93.3% win rate)
- Nasus
- Zed
- Ivern
- Poppy
Weak Matchups (Avoid):
- Evelynn
- Rumble
- Amumu
- Mordekaiser
- Vayne
- R > Q > Auto Attack for single target burst
- E > W > Q for chase and sustained damage
Current Win Rate: 48.0% (based on 50 matches in Emerald+ rank)
Advanced Tips:
- Track low-health enemies with W passive for ganking opportunities
- Time E damage reduction for tower dives
- Use Q to follow dashing enemies
- Coordinate ultimate with team CC for maximum effectiveness
Situational Items:
- Death's Dance against heavy AD
- Force of Nature vs AP-heavy teams
- Dead Man's Plate for extra mobility
Remember to adjust your build path based on team composition and game state.
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