Warframe Tier List 2024: Complete Rankings for All 56 Frames

Warframe Tier List 2024: Complete Rankings for All 56 Frames

By Marcus Chen

February 7, 2025 at 06:48 PM

Warframe characters in battle stance

Warframe characters in battle stance

Warframe currently features 56 unique frames, each serving different roles and playstyles. This comprehensive tier list ranks all frames based on their baseline power, flexibility, and effectiveness in endgame content as of Patch 35.5.10.

S-Tier (Elite Performance)

  • Saryn: Unmatched AoE damage and crowd control
  • Wisp: Exceptional support and damage capabilities
  • Gauss: Superior mobility and damage reduction
  • Octavia: Scaling damage and versatile abilities
  • Dante: Powerful bleeding effects and survivability

Burning robotic humanoid figure

Burning robotic humanoid figure

A-Tier (Strong Performance)

  • Protea: Shield-gating and resource generation
  • Volt: Eidolon hunting specialist
  • Revenant: Superior tankiness
  • Kullervo: Melee combat expert
  • Citrine: Well-rounded capabilities
  • Mesa: Efficient room clearing

Pixelated video game character standing sidelong

Pixelated video game character standing sidelong

B-Tier (Balanced Performance) Dagath, Gara, Xaku, Ash, Mirage, Wukong, Nova, Mag, Garuda, Nidus, Baruuk, Titania, Nezha, Rhino, Harrow, Nekros, Gyre, Styanax, Zephyr

C-Tier (Situational) Lavos, Equinox, Ivara, Vauban, Voruna, Hildryn, Zephyr, Qorvex, Inaros, Sevagoth, Hydroid

D-Tier (Needs Improvement) Frost, Grendel, Trinity, Loki, Banshee, Limbo, Ember, Chroma, Excalibur, Atlas, Oberon, Valkyr

E-Tier (Requires Rework) Caliban, Nyx, Yareli

Note: This tier list is based on base performance without considering Helminth abilities or extensive modding. Any frame can become viable with proper investment and specific builds.

[Remaining images retained as in original, maintaining same order and formatting]

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