Volibear Top Build Guide: Best Runes and Items for Season 15
Press the Attack is the optimal keystone for Volibear Top, complemented by Presence of Mind, Legend: Haste, and Last Stand. Secondary runes should be Jack Of All Trades and Triple Tonic. Take Attack Speed, Adaptive Force, and Health shards.
Core Build:
- First Item: Rod of Ages
- Boots: Ionian Boots of Lucidity
- Second Item: Navori Flickerblade
- Complete Build: Spirit Visage, Unending Despair, Jak'Sho, The Protean
Skill Order: W > Q > E
Summoner Spells:
- Flash
- Teleport
Key Tips:
- Keep minion wave near your tower early game for favorable trades
- Activate Q when close to enemies to ensure CC lands
- Focus on securing early game advantages
Strong Against:
- Yorick (100% WR)
- Gangplank (90% WR)
- Tahm Kench (81.8% WR)
- Akali (80% WR)
- Illaoi (75% WR)
Weak Against:
- Aurora (14.3% WR)
- Kayle (25% WR)
- Gwen (25% WR)
- Teemo (25% WR)
- Vladimir (28.6% WR)
Situational Items: Adjust your build based on enemy composition and game state. Consider defensive options against heavy AP or AD teams.
Current overall win rate: 49.2% (based on 63 matches)
Note: Build data and win rates are specific to Emerald+ ranked games.
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