Viktor Mid Champion Guide: Build, Tips & Counter Strategy
Viktor excels at wave clearing and lane control, making him particularly effective against ranged opponents. His ability to disrupt fights with his abilities and Ultimate makes him especially dangerous in enclosed spaces.
Core Strengths:
- Strong wave clear and poke damage
- Excellent team fight control
- High scaling potential
- Effective zone control
Key Weaknesses:
- Limited self-peel options
- Vulnerable to early ganks
- Weak early game
- Susceptible to all-in engages
Early Game (1-5):
- Focus on farming and XP gain
- Play defensively
- Avoid unnecessary trades
- Prioritize safe positioning
Mid Game (6-11):
- Rotate after bot lane moves mid
- Clear waves efficiently
- Look for opportunistic pokes
- Maintain farm priority
Late Game (12+):
- Stay with team
- Look for picks on isolated targets
- Control objectives with abilities
- Position carefully during sieges
Power Spikes:
- Level 6: First major combat potential
- First item completion: Enhanced wave clear
- Level 9: Maxed primary ability
- Core items: Significant damage increase
- Level 16: Maximum Ultimate potential

Viktor from League of Legends
Key Tips:
- Upgrade Passive Core for increased damage
- Use lane brushes for enhanced poke
- Control chokepoints during team fights
- Maintain safe distance while harassing
- Focus on scaling through farm
Viktor works best in team compositions that can protect him while he scales and excels in objective-focused gameplay. His success heavily depends on proper positioning and ability timing.
Compatible Champions:
- Average difficulty synergy with most team compositions
- Works well with protective supports
- Strong with crowd control heavy teams
- Challenging to play against mobile assassins
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