Vi Jungle: Pro Guide and Complete Matchups
Vi is an early-game Jungler who excels at securing objectives and executing ganks. Her powerful ultimate ability makes her a strong pick for aggressive playmaking and team fighting.
Strong Against:
- Sylas (65.5% WR)
- Zac (60.9% WR)
- Udyr (60.0% WR)
- Zyra (58.9% WR)
- Volibear (58.6% WR)
- Gwen (57.1% WR)
Weak Against:
- Talon (32.2% WR)
- Evelynn (32.4% WR)
- Poppy (34.9% WR)
- Briar (39.2% WR)
- Karthus (40.7% WR)
- Kindred (42.7% WR)
Best Synergies:
- Ahri (53.7% WR)
- Mordekaiser (53.5% WR)
- Darius (53.4% WR)
- Katarina (52.1% WR)
- Yone (49.6% WR)
- Orianna (49.4% WR)

Vi Jungle Guide League of Legends
Key Tips:
- Prioritize early-game ganking to snowball lanes
- Use ultimate (R) aggressively to secure kills on weak targets
- Focus on Dragon control during early game
- Chain abilities in combos for maximum impact
- Coordinate with mid and top laners for successful ganks
Vi's strength lies in her ability to lock down targets and create opportunities for her team. Her combination of mobility, crowd control, and damage makes her particularly effective against squishy targets and team compositions that lack escape tools.
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