Ultimate Warwick Top Build Guide | 57.3% Win Rate
Warwick Top Build Guide
A comprehensive Warwick top lane build achieving a 57.3% win rate over 75 matches in Emerald+ ranking.
Core Build
- First Item: Blade of The Ruined King
- Boots: Plated Steelcaps
- Second Item: Stridebreaker
- Complete Build: Sterak's Gage → Spirit Visage → Unending Despair
Summoner Spells
- Flash
- Barrier
Runes Primary (Precision):
- Keystone: Lethal Tempo
- Presence of Mind
- Legend: Alacrity
- Last Stand
Secondary (Resolve):
- Second Wind
- Revitalize
- Offense: Attack Speed
- Flex: Adaptive Force
- Defense: Health Scaling (adjustable based on matchup)
Ability Order Q → W → E
Strong Matchups (100% Win Rate):
- Lucian
- Shaco
- Ryze
- Kayn
- Diana
- Heimerdinger
Weak Matchups (Avoid):
- Akali
- Shen
- Bel'Veth
- Swain
- Skarner
Pro Tips
- If unable to secure kills with Ultimate (R) in top lane, roam mid for potential kills
- Use Ultimate for picking off enemies during mid and late game to secure objectives
- When behind, group with team and look for picks
- When ahead, focus on split pushing and securing objectives
Situational Items Adjust your build based on:
- Team composition
- Enemy champions
- Game state
- Lane matchup
Consider defensive stats in rune shards (Armor or Magic Resist) based on lane opponent.
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