Ultimate Singed Top Guide: Complete Pro Strategies and Builds
Can force heavy jungler attention and relieve pressure from other lanes through proxy farming. His unique kit allows safe escapes, making him one of the only champions who can effectively proxy farm.
His Ultimate (R) grants additional stats for damage absorption and output, enabling him to serve as a front line. However, he's extremely vulnerable to crowd control and struggles early game with mana management.
Early Game Strategy:
- Decide between proxy farming or traditional laning
- Roam mid after pushing waves
- Monitor minimap constantly
- Avoid unnecessary deaths while proxy farming
Mid Game Approach:
- Focus on split pushing and securing side objectives
- Utilize strong dueling potential
- Group for team fights when no objectives are available
- Start building tankiness
Late Game Tactics:
- Look for picks on immobile enemies
- Group for team fights when needed
- Flank enemy backline
- Focus squishy high-priority targets
Power Spikes:
- Level 6: Mobility and team fight impact increase
- Level 9: Q maxed for consistent DPS
- Level 11: Ultimate upgrade boosts damage and resistances
- Late Game: Nearly unchallengeable with tank items and Ultimate
Key Weaknesses:
- Early game vulnerability
- Mana dependency
- Crowd control susceptibility
- Team reliance for effectiveness
Team Fight Role:
- Wait for Ultimate before engaging
- Position for backline access
- Maintain proximity to team
- Apply consistent damage with Q
His effectiveness scales significantly into late game, where he excels in team fights through flanking and sustained damage output while being difficult to kill.
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