Top Kennen Counter Picks & Counter Tips
Laning Against Kennen
When facing Kennen in lane, maintain a safe distance to avoid his Q pokes and basic attacks, especially if you're playing a melee champion. It's better to miss some CS than to take heavy damage or die.
Monitor Kennen's build path carefully and adjust your itemization accordingly, as he can build either AP or AD effectively.
Avoid extended trades with Kennen. The best time to engage is when his energy is low or when he has no marks to stun you with.

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Effective Counter Strategy
Keep these key points in mind when playing against Kennen:
- Avoid team fights in confined spaces like Dragon or Baron pit
- Maintain proper vision to prevent flanks
- Disengage quickly when Kennen approaches
- Poke him down before team fights to prevent engages
- Space out your team to minimize his ultimate's effectiveness
Power Spikes and Timing Windows
Level 6 marks Kennen's first major power spike with his ultimate ability. When you see him activate it, disengage immediately.
Strong Counter Picks:
- Heimerdinger
- Swain
- Olaf
- Singed
- Vladimir
Weak Matchups (Avoid These):
- Irelia
- Tryndamere
- Malphite
- Cho'Gath
- Gangplank
Remember to maintain proper spacing during team fights, as Kennen excels at dealing AOE damage to grouped targets. While coordinating with your team is important, avoid clustering together to minimize his ultimate's impact.
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