Top 10 Gnar Counters & Counter Tips for League of Legends
Tips for Countering Gnar in Top Lane
Core Counters
- Strong picks: Zac, Cassiopeia, Karma, Maokai, Quinn
- Favorable matchups: Gragas, Vayne, Gwen, Illaoi, Camille
- Challenging for Gnar: Yasuo, Malphite, Rumble, Ryze, Urgot
Laning Phase Strategy
- Bait out Gnar's E (hop) before jungle ganks
- Don't waste burst abilities when he's about to transform
- Accept losing some CS to avoid poke damage
- Time engages when his rage bar is low
- Trade when his Q is on cooldown to prevent W procs
Team Fighting Tips
- Avoid fighting when Gnar has full rage
- Disengage when he's in Mega form
- Stay away from walls during Mega form
- Fight in open areas to minimize R and W impact
- Exploit his vulnerability in Mini form
Key Power Spikes to Watch
- Level 6: Beware wall positioning
- First item (Black Cleaver): Enhanced 1v1 potential
- Tank counter: Extra caution needed after Black Cleaver due to armor shred
Counter Playstyle
- Force fights during Mini form
- Track rage bar for engagement timing
- Maintain safe distance during ranged harass
- Coordinate team fights around form changes
- Punish during transformation vulnerability windows
Note: Gnar's effectiveness varies greatly between his Mini and Mega forms. Successful counter-play revolves around exploiting his form-change windows and positioning appropriately for each form.
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