TFT Set 14: Complete Street Demon Strategy Guide and Champion List
Street Demon is a vertical trait in TFT Set 14 that paints hexes to grant allies bonus Health, Ability Power, and Attack Damage. Street Demon units receive double these bonuses, with some hexes being "Signature" hexes that provide 50% more stats.
Trait Bonuses:
- (3) +6% Health, 6 AP, 6% AD
- (5) +10% Health, 10 AP, 10% AD
- (7) +15% Health, 15 AP, 15% AD
- (10) +25% Health, 25 AP, 25% AD

Street Demon trait symbol
Champions and Their Abilities:
Dr. Mundo (1-Cost) - Bruiser, Slayer
- Passive: Gains bonus max health
- Active: Heals and deals physical damage to target
Dr. Mundo from TFT Set 14
Zyra (1-Cost) - Techie
- Sends vine that stuns target for 1 second and deals magic damage
TFT Set 14 Zyra champion
Ekko (2-Cost) - Strategist
- Paintover: Heals and deals magic damage to target
TFT Set 14 Ekko character art
Jinx (3-Cost) - Marksman
- Fires rockets at random enemies, dealing physical damage
Jinx from TFT Set 14
Rengar (3-Cost) - Executioner
- Leaps to lowest health enemy, dealing physical damage with multiple strikes
Rengar, feline warrior in TFT Set-14
Brand (4-Cost) - Techie
- Paint Bomb: Deals magic damage to nearest four enemies
Brand champion from TFT Set 14
Neeko (4-Cost) - Strategist
- Gains shield and creates expanding zone dealing magic damage
TFT Set 14 Neeko champion portrait
Samira (5-Cost) - A.M.P.
- Dashes and fires bullets that shred armor, deals physical damage, and gains omnivamp
Demon warrior wielding red sword
Key Synergies:
- Natural overlap with Techie and Strategist traits
- Flexible vertical composition with units at every cost tier
- Strong 3-piece splash option for team-wide stats
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