TFT Set 14: Complete Executioner Trait Guide and Strategy

TFT Set 14: Complete Executioner Trait Guide and Strategy

By Marcus Chen

March 16, 2025 at 05:49 PM

Executioner is a powerful trait in TFT Set 14 that enables champions' abilities to critically strike, providing bonus Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike Damage. When targeting enemies below 30% health, the Critical Strike Damage bonus doubles, making it especially effective for finishing off weakened opponents.

TFT Executioner Trait Icon

TFT Executioner Trait Icon

Trait Bonuses:

  • (2) 25% Crit, 8% CritMult
  • (3) 35% Crit, 15% CritMult
  • (4) 45% Crit, 20% CritMult
  • (5) 55% Crit, 25% CritMult + 15% Durability

Executioner Champions:

  1. Graves (2 cost) - Golden Ox

    TFT Set 14 Graves champion portrait

    TFT Set 14 Graves champion portrait

    Fires cone projectiles and uses Buckshot of Midas every two attacks to dash and blast enemies with empowered shells.

  2. Rengar (3 cost) - Street Demon

    Rengar, feline warrior in TFT Set-14

    Rengar, feline warrior in TFT Set-14

    Leaps to lowest health enemies, strikes twice, and heals before each jump. Increasing leap range with each cast.

  3. Varus (3 cost) - Exotech

    TFT Set 14 Varus champion portrait

    TFT Set 14 Varus champion portrait

    Casts Malware Chain to deal magic damage and stun target, while linking and damaging nearby enemies.

  4. Vex (4 cost) - Divinicorp

    Vex from TFT Set 14

    Vex from TFT Set 14

    Features built-in Omnivamp and converts excess healing into true damage. Retribution ability deals AoE magic damage.

  5. Urgot (5 cost) - BoomBots

    TFT Set 14 Urgot champion

    TFT Set 14 Urgot champion

    Locks onto lowest health targets, gains Attack Speed, fires rockets, and executes low-health enemies with Fear Beyond Death.

While Executioner champions don't share secondary traits, the vertical scaling makes each additional Executioner unit valuable for increasing overall team power.

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